Chief Minister’s Residence Decorated for Teeja-Pora Mahatari Vandan Tihar Celebration

“Vishnu Bhaiya Sang Teeja-Pora Mahatari Vandan Tihar” Chief Minister’s Residence is Fully Decorated and Ready To celebrate one of Chhattisgarh’s major folk festivals, “Teeja-Pora Mahatari Vandan Tihar,” the Raipur residence of the state’s Chief Minister, Mr. Vishnu Dev Sai, is fully decorated and ready. The purpose of this event is to preserve Chhattisgarh’s traditional culture…

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Historic Victory for Mohammad Anees Raza in Raipur’s Imam-e-Alam Mosque Mutawalli Election

Election of Imam-e-Alam Mosque’s Mutawalli Position in Raipur: Historic Victory for Mohammad Anees Raza The election for the position of Mutawalli at the Imam-e-Alam Mosque, a significant religious site for the Muslim community in Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh, was held on Sunday, September 1, 2024. The election took place at Alpha Public School, associated…

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