District Public Relations Office
Penalty Imposed on Millers Lifting Less Than 80% of DO Allocation
Strict Instructions Issued to Expedite Paddy Lifting
Balodabazar >> For the Kharif Marketing Year 2024-25, millers were issued Delivery Orders (DO) for lifting paddy from procurement centers after procurement at the minimum support price. Following the instructions of Collector Deepak Soni, penalties have been imposed on 19 rice millers who have lifted less than 80% of their allocated DO. Despite the significant time lapse since the issuance of DOs, some millers have shown little interest in paddy lifting. Taking this seriously, Collector Deepak Soni has given strict directives to millers and transporters to fulfill their responsibilities within the stipulated time.
According to the available information, 855,396.64 metric tons of paddy have been procured in the district, out of which 323,579 metric tons have been lifted by transporters and 412,618 metric tons by district and inter-district millers. Currently, 119,199 metric tons of paddy remain to be lifted from procurement centers. DOs have been issued to millers for 392,862 metric tons, of which 338,060 metric tons have been lifted, while 54,902 metric tons are yet to be lifted. Among them, 19 rice millers have lifted less than 80% of their allocated DOs.