Youth Urged to Drive Social Progress: Arun Saw

Youth Should Contribute to Society’s Development with Their Energy, Courage, and Confidence –Arun Saw

Deputy Chief Minister Attends National Youth Day Program

Raipur >>Deputy Chief Minister Arun Saw attended the National Youth Day program organized at the Ramakrishna Mission Ashram in Narayanpur today. On this occasion, he appealed to the youth to channel their energy, courage, and confidence for the development of society. During the program, he encouraged the youth, stating that youth power plays a crucial role in the overall development of society. Not only do the youth possess strength, but they also have innovation, energy, and courage that help guide society towards new directions.

As the chief guest, the Deputy Chief Minister also mentioned that the state government is taking every possible step for the upliftment and development of the youth. Several schemes are being created to provide better opportunities for youth. He mentioned that the state government is running various programs to offer education, skill development, and employment opportunities to the youth. Additionally, the government has encouraged youth to take on leadership roles in society, enabling them to actively contribute to its development.

Contribution of Swami Vivekananda

Deputy Chief Minister Arun Saw also highlighted the life and contributions of Swami Vivekananda. He said that Swami Vivekananda brought Indian philosophy and culture to prominence worldwide with his sharp intellect. His historic speech at the Chicago World Parliament of Religions on September 11, 1893, is still cherished by people today. Swami Vivekananda showed the younger generation how to live with confidence and courage. His message was that if youth have a strong will, they can face any challenge. He added that Swami Vivekananda always said, Arise, awake, and do not stop until the goal is reached.

Following the Ideals of Swami Vivekananda

During the program, the Deputy Chief Minister also stated that youth should follow the ideals of Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda never accepted defeat in life. He believed that one should never be disheartened by failure but instead learn from it. Youth should always maintain a positive perspective and understand that no difficulty is permanent in life.

Swami Vivekananda always said that for the progress of society, not only is education necessary, but we must also follow our Indian culture and traditions. He urged the youth to dedicate their time to serving the nation, so their lives may be filled with dedication and service.

Activities of Ramakrishna Mission in Narayanpur

The Deputy Chief Minister also praised the various programs and activities being conducted by the Ramakrishna Mission Ashram in Narayanpur. He mentioned that the Ramakrishna Mission has undertaken several commendable social upliftment activities in the region. The Ashram is not only providing education but also offering training to make children self-reliant from an artistic perspective. Through this Ashram, children and youth are being trained in various aspects of life to improve themselves.

He encouraged children and youth by stating that they should never be discouraged by failure. They should always move forward with courage and confidence towards their goals. They should never be afraid of the challenges they may encounter along the way, as success comes with hard work and patience.

Speech by Forest Minister Kedar Kashyap

Forest Minister Kedar Kashyap also shared his thoughts during the program. He stated that youth should draw inspiration from the life of Swami Vivekananda and follow his teachings to make their lives successful. He said that if youth work with sincerity and dedication, they can bring about positive changes in society.

He also emphasized that a person’s heart should always be filled with respect and love for the country and motherland. Hard work is the key to a good life. He mentioned the contributions of freedom fighters and leaders like Bhagwan Birsa Munda and urged the youth to follow their paths to uplift society.

Contribution of Swami Vyaptanand Ji

Swami Vyaptanand Ji Maharaj, the Secretary of the Ramakrishna Mission Ashram, also addressed the gathering. He stated that the Ramakrishna Mission has been working in the region since 1984 and has carried out several significant activities. Through this Ashram, children are being provided with better education and healthcare facilities, enabling them to contribute positively to society. He also said that today’s youth is the greatest strength of India, and if they use their power correctly, they can take the country to new heights.

At the end of the program, Deputy Chief Minister Arun Saw appealed to all youth to keep striving to achieve their dreams and play an active role in bringing positive changes to society. He mentioned that the state government is taking every possible step for the development of youth, so they can actively contribute to society’s progress. He encouraged them to move forward with self-confidence, courage, and determination, assuring them that they could overcome any challenge.

The programs run by the Ramakrishna Mission Ashram and other social organizations are helping guide the youth in a new direction, and these programs will continue to play an important role in the development of society in the future.

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